Spotlight series 2023


Welcome to the Spotlight series. Month by month, we shine a light on subjects which are especially relevant to coaching, mentoring and supervision. Each month’s spotlight includes webinars, podcasts blogs, books, and other resources designed to engage members and provide useful opportunities for thought and conversation. You will need to sign in to view the resources below. We would love to hear from members who are excited about one or more of these subjects and have an idea or a resource worth sharing. If you would like to do that, find out more here, and email Marian Rosefield on [email protected] to say how you would like to contribute.

man surviving in flood

Coaching and climate change

Our Spotlight for December focuses on coaching and climate change. The resources include a podcast with Rita Symons, lead for the EMCC Global Climate and Sustainability Centre for Excellence, our book of the month, plus other resource documents and videos.

students in class

Higher education

Our Spotlight for October on higher education has been developed by our Higher Education Special Interest Group. The resources include a podcast with Dr Joe Stevens, discussing how pastoral and academic peer mentoring supports students, a webinar, blog posts, and a booklist.

people working in an office

Internal coaching

Our Spotlight for August on internal coaching is led by Carrie White from the new EMCC UK Internal Coaching Special Interest Group. The resources include blog posts, the launch of the new SIG, and a calendar of events throughout the year to come.

street crossing

Neurodiversity coaching and mentoring

Our Spotlight for June focuses on neurodiversity coaching and mentoring, with a podcast with Philippa Eddie on why this topic is so important to coaching, mentoring and supervision practice, the launch of our new Neurodiversity SIG with special guest Alicja Nocon, plus a book and webinar.

athlete jogging

Health and wellbeing

Our Spotlight for April focuses on health and wellbeing, with a podcast and webinar on working with natural cycles in coaching, hosted by our health and wellbeing SIG, a conversation with the author of new book, Outdoor Coaching, and resources shared with us by Cancer Research UK.

two people talking by a lake

Coaching psychology

Our Spotlight for February focuses on coaching psychology, with lots of resources including webinars, blog posts, a podcast, and an encouragement to join our Coaching Psychology Special Interest Group, which has a great programme of online events running throughout the year.

students in class

Coaching for primary and secondary education leaders

Our Spotlight for November is led by Hannah Butler, EMCC UK Director for Coaching Practice. The resources include a podcast with Dr Louise Gilbert on emotion coaching in schools, and a webinar discussion on 6 December, focusing on establishing coaching for leaders in education.

two women talking


Our Spotlight for September on mentoring is led by Fiona Porter and Sue Brown of our Mentoring special interest group. The resources include podcast on neurodiversity and mentoring, blog posts, a mentoring booklist, and a live event with David Clutterbuck.

supervision session with two people


Our Spotlight for July is led by Paul Heardman, EMCC UK Director for Supervision Practice. The resources include our new supervision resource pages, two podcasts with Gio Pisano and Louise Miller, plus an event exploring the benefits of supervision with Lise Lewis.


Career coaching and mentoring

Our Spotlight for May focuses on career coaching and mentoring, with a podcast about future-proofing careers with the podcaster and author John Fitzgerald, and a webinar with Julia Yates on how career theories shed light on career development, hosted by our Career Coaching & Mentoring SIG.

athletes ready for a running race

Team coaching

Our Spotlight for March focuses on team coaching and is led by our Team Coaching Special Interest Group. We have some great resources to share, including a webinar exploring top tools for team coaching, a podcast and resource guide on team coaching supervision.

office workers collaborating on a project

Building a coaching business

Our Spotlight for January focuses on building a successful coaching business. We have some great resources to share, including a podcast on presenting your coaching practice, a series of six business-building webinars, and an infographic book list.


Archive resources

students in a classroom

Spotlight series 2023

team gathering on a beach

Spotlight series 2022

Spotlight Series 2021

Spotlight series 2021

statue of women with Covid masks

Spotlight series 2020